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Strong, Prosperous + Resilient Communities Challenge Evaluation (SPARCC)

Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Denver, CO; Los Angeles, CA; Memphis, TN; San Francisco, CA


The Strong, Prosperous, and Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC) is a three-year, multi-site, systems-change initiative to develop a national narrative related to improving regional equity. By working in six metropolitan regions across the U.S., the SPARCC initiative will support local efforts to ensure that new infrastructure and built environment investments lead to equitable and health opportunities for local residents and prepare communities for the challenges of climate change. R+A is working with the Center for Community Health and Evaluation (CCHE) to co-lead the developmental and process evaluation at both the initiative and site-level. The evaluation planning process is currently evolving alongside the early work being done at each site and across the initiative. This work includes the development of an overall measurement strategy, an initiative level logic model, a set of integrated measures, site-specific evaluation plans, participation in learning convenings, and preparing regular reflection memos for project partners. Additional evaluation activities will include tasks such as developing site-level data dashboards and conducting site-specific policy scans.

Client: Center for Community
Health and Evaluation, Kaiser
Permanente Washington Health Research Institute

Timeframe: 2017 - present



  • Co-leading the process and developmental evaluation of SPARCC initiative


  • Working the SPARCC partners to provide strategic leadership and direction
    on the evaluation plan with the six sites and across the initiative


  • Developing an evaluation measurement plan

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