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Santa Clara County Health Element

County of Santa Clara, CA

2017 Northern California Section Planning + Public Health Award


Raimi + Associates crafted an award-winning Health Element for the Santa Clara County General Plan. The Health Element addresses a number community health and wellness topics from the neighborhood- to regional-scale including environmental quality, healthy food systems, public safety and social networks, sustainable transportation, parks and recreation, health care and prevention, equity, healthy urban design, healthy housing, and environmental health.

Raimi + Associates facilitated a multicultural, trilingual community engagement program, including numerous Wellness Advisory Committee meetings, public community workshops, and a countywide community health survey. The team mapped and analyzed existing health conditions, assessed policy alternatives, and worked directly with community partners and other public agencies. This resulted in a plan with realistic, innovative, and clear policies and implementation strategies for a healthier Santa Clara County. A central part of the process was the close partnership between the county planning and public health departments. The Health Element won the 2017 Northern California APA Award of Merit for Planning and Health.

Client: County of Santa Clara Planning Office and Public Health Department

Timeframe: 2012 - 2015


Click here to view the final plan!


  • Health-in-all-policies approach including more coordination with the County Public Health Department.


  • Quality of Life Survey in 2012 in Mandarin, Vietnamese, English, and Spanish.


  • A Community Health Existing Conditions Report highlighting geographic health disparities.


  • The Team worked closely with related County processes. 

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