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Santa Clara Climate Action Plan

Santa Clara, CA


Raimi + Associates teamed with Cascadia Consulting to prepare the City of Santa Clara’s new Climate Action Plan (CAP). R+A led the community engagement, utilizing emerging trends in virtual engagement including interactive zoom workshops and online surveys. R+A also led the quantitative analysis including reviewing the existing greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory data, developing GHG forecasts, and utilizing its GHG reduction tool to estimate the impact of potential mitigation measures on greenhouse gas emissions to support the development and prioritization of strategies for the city. Most significantly, as part of the CAP process, the City's municipal utility, Silicon Valley Power (SVP), committed to deliver carbon-neutral electricity to its customers by 2030, ahead of the Renewable Portfolio Standard (SB 100) requirement.

Client: City of Santa Clara

Timeframe: 2020 - 2022



  • Quantitative technical analysis of the impacts of potential GHG reduction strategies across the sectors of clean energy, buildings, transportation, materials and consumption, natural systems and water resources, and community wellbeing and resilience.


  • Meaningful virtual community engagement using traditional methods and pioneering platforms like Zoom, Mentimeter, and Miro board.


  • Worked closely with Silicon Valley Power to incorporate the accelerated procurement of carbon neutral electricity into the Integrated Resource Plan update.

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