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North Bayshore Precise Plan

Mountain View, CA

2015 Northern California Section and CA APA Award of Excellence: Comprehensive Plan Small Jurisdiction


Covering 650 acres, and home to high-tech businesses such as Google, Microsoft, and Linkedin, the North Bayshore area is located in the northernmost portion of the City of Mountain View, bordering Shoreline at Mountain View Regional Park and the San Francisco Bay. Raimi + Associates led a diverse consultant team that worked closely with City staff, the community, and technical groups to prepare a model for a 21st century office park.


The Precise Plan for North Bayshore presents a bold vision for a mixed-use district that emerges as a model of innovative and sustainable development while also protecting natural habitat. The character of the area will evolve over time from an auto-oriented, suburban office district into multiple complete mixed-use neighborhoods with new residential uses, walkable blocks, ground-floor retail, parks and open space, and high-frequency transit service. To achieve this vision, the Precise Plan provides detailed development standards, requirements and incentives to meet a 20% affordable housing goal, green building requirements, guidelines to protect sensitive habitat and species adjacent to the plan area, and policies and programs to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips to 45% of the total mode share in North Bayshore.

Client: City of Mountain View

Timeframe: 2013-2017


Click here to view the final plan!


  • An incentive system of bonus floor area ratio to encourage new construction
    to achieve high levels of environmental performance.


  • A Habitat Overlay Zone and Transfer of Development Rights Program that
    protects sensitive habitat.​​

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