Los Angeles Metro Joint Development Accelerator
Los Angeles County, CA

R+A worked with Metro’s Joint Development Program to communicate their goal to build 10,000 housing units on Metro-owned land by 2031. The firm worked collaboratively with Metro staff to establish the creative direction for the program to reach diverse audiences including affordable housing developers, communitybased organizations and developers, elected officials, and residents who live around future housing sites. R+A also contributed to the art direction and project branding in conjunction with Metro’s in-house marketing team and illustration consultant.
Through the project branding ideation, R+A helped Metro identify its communication goal for the project that highlights the humanistic aspects of affordable housing: “Creating home with Metro.” Working within Metro’s branding standards, R+A expressed this idea through original and curated stock photography, illustrations, and graphics showing the diversity and the community fostered by affordable housing. R+A also created an ArcGIS StoryMap and a community engagement toolkit for Metro staff to use for their continued community engagement.
Client: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro)
Timeframe: 2022-2024
Helped Metro develop and refine their updated development process to meet
their goal of 10,000 housing units by 2031
Planned and led an industry forum event with over 200 attendees to kick-off
Metro’s new development process
Created project messaging and unique graphic products, photography, and
illustrations to humanize housing development
Produced a robust engagement toolkit for Metro staff to use towards their
2031 goal